Caseworker does so many things for you - including keeping Councillors on top of their workload , and enhancing their engagement with constituents. But the system also allows you to gain automatic insight into what’s really going on in your area.
Because Caseworker allows you to log everything all in one place, in the simplest way possible, the system can automatically present you with all sorts of information about the issues your constituents care about. This can then be vitally important in influencing your work in the local community.
The system provides a number of tools to give you insights into your cases. The first is our cases map. Each time you log a new case on a constituent, a new pin will be placed onto your map. You can then see at a glance which areas are providing you with the most cases. Even better, you can filter the map by case type to look more specifically at what’s going on.
Another area Caseworker helps deliver insight is through the cases page. You can use this page to see all the cases you’ve created in a particular time period, about a particular issue, or any other combination of the filters were provide. You can either use this to look at cases within the system, or you can even export out all the relevant information to look at outside of Caseworker.
Finally, Caseworker creates some auto-generated statistics as you go about using the system. You can see an overview of the work you do, as well as having your most regularly tags flagged up to you and being presented with a breakdown of the cases you open by their type.
You can also change the time period that statistics are generated over so you can track changes and trends over time.
All of this means that you can carry on doing your job with Caseworker, while generating valuable information on what your constituents truly care about.
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+44 (0)333 344 1225
Elected Technologies
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Stratford Road
Shipston on Stour
CV36 4BA
+61 (0)2 6169 1019
Elected Technologies
Level 1, The Realm
18 National Circuit
Barton, ACT 2600